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Contract notice issued for re-procurement of £35m national legal services framework for police bodies

The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) has issued a contract notice for the re-procurement of a national framework for legal services to police forces and Police and Crime Commissioners.

MOPAC’s current arrangements are due to expire on 30 April 2025.

The proposed framework has been divided into the following lots:

  • Lot 1A - Procurement, Contract and Commercial, Governance - complex projects and disputes
  • Lot 1B - Procurement, Contract and Commercial, Governance - business as usual
  • Lot 2 - Civil Litigation, Personal Injury and Debt Recovery
  • Lot 3 - Inquests and Public Inquiries
  • Lot 4 - Employment
  • Lot 5 - Misconduct & Regulatory
  • Lot 6 - Property - Residential, Commercial and PFI

The contract is estimated to be worth £35m over 48 months.

MOPAC said in the contract notice that the framework is “intended to benefit all participating bodies by securing transparent rates and fixed prices and to award contracts to legal firms whom can demonstrate the ability to provide good quality specialist legal services as they may be required to handle high profile legal cases”.

It added that it intends to appoint three suitably qualified and experienced legal services' providers per lot.