Double trouble

Emma Pearce and Arjen Xani analyse a recent High Court ruling on concurrent smash & grab and true value adjudications. Read more



June 12, 2024

Subsidy control and transparency

How can the transparency regime under the Subsidy Control Act be improved? Angelica Hymers looks at the options.
May 29, 2024

If the (aggregate) cap fits

Allan Owen and Beth Edwards provide a summary of the High Court’s recent Judgement in Tata Consultancy Services Ltd v Disclosure and Barring Service which provides useful guidance on limits of liability.
May 24, 2024

DCOs and the need for development

The Court of Appeal recently refused an appeal against a High Court’s decision to dismiss a judicial review of the grant of development consent for Manston Airport. Barristers at Francis Taylor Building analyse the ruling.
May 23, 2024

Breaches of natural justice in adjudications

Those on the losing end of an adjudication often look to a breach of natural justice in order to avoid enforcement of the decision. Though certainly possible, successfully arguing such a breach can certainly be a tough nut to crack, write Ewan Anthony and David Owens.


Mar 08, 2024

Tees Valley Mayor sets up cross-authority working group to implement recommendations of independent review as Gove gives six-month deadline for update

The Tees Valley Mayor, Ben Houchen, has set up a cross-authority working group including statutory officers from all five constituent authorities of the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) to consider and agree an action plan for implementation of the recommendations contained in the recent independent review of the Teesworks Joint Venture.


May 15, 2024

CPOs and ‘hope value’

‘Hope value’ of planning permission could now be ignored in some Compulsory Purchase Orders. Alex Dillistone and Libby Neilson look at what this will mean in practice.
May 15, 2024

The future of Local Enterprise Partnerships

The transition of functions, obligations and liabilities of Local Enterprise Partnerships has not been smooth and there are a number of issues which remain outstanding. Tiffany Cloynes, Rebecca Gilbert and Chantal Davison consider the present position and how some of those issues may be resolved.
May 08, 2024

Deep dive into solar PV

Steve Gummer and Steve Cirell stress the importance of strategy at a local authority level when it comes to solar PV projects.
May 03, 2024

JCT 2024 – what’s changed?

The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) published its new Design and Build 2024 and Design and Build Sub-contract 2024 standard forms of contract on 17 April 2024 with much anticipation from across the sector. Rachel Murray-Smith and Helen Arthur set out some of the key changes made.
April 12, 2024

Back-to-back contracting sounds simple, but is it really?

We often hear the term ‘back-to-back’ contracting, but what does this mean, and what are the common themes to consider when faced with a construction project involving multiple parties? Rachel Murray-Smith and Sydney Rich look at the issues.
March 08, 2024

Spotlight on Construction Law

It has been a busy year in the construction industry, write David Owens, Rachel Murray-Smith and Helen Arthur, with some standout legislative changes, including in relation to the Building Safety Act 2022, and the Government issuing a significant paper in respect of behaviours relating to PFI contracts.
March 08, 2024

Adjudication and voluminous documents

A recent ruling from the Technology and Construction Court has suggested that voluminous documents will rarely be a breach of natural justice in adjudication, write Arjen Xani and Sarah Wilson.
January 19, 2024

Smash and grab and true value

The High Court recently considered whether a party can refer a dispute to an adjudicator on both a ‘true value’ and ‘smash and grab’ basis. Michael Comba, Ewan Anthony and David Owens analyse the ruling.
November 24, 2023

Zebra 2 funding – subsidy control implications

The deadline for the Government’s Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) 2 scheme is approaching. Edward Reynolds, Sally Stone and Helen Feinson look at the key considerations for local transport authorities.