Fitness for human habitation claims – what are they worth?

Rhiannon Moody examines a recent case where damages were awarded over a council property that was unfit for human habitation. Read more





June 12, 2024

The “Last Chance Saloon” goes out of business

Site providers will breathe a huge sigh of relief as the Upper Tribunal found in favour of a council in a dispute over the Electronic Communications Code and a leaking roof on a residential tower block. Daniel Cuthbert and Ella Carroll explain why.
June 07, 2024

Interim relief in age assessment cases

The Upper Tribunal recently considered the correct approach to interim relief in age assessment cases. Joshua Swirsky analyses the ruling.
June 05, 2024

Easy as 1, 2, 3?

Section 123 of the Building Safety Act and supporting Regulations create a power and a discretion to make remediation orders. Daniel Black analyses an important ruling on its use.
June 05, 2024

Housing case law update - June 2024

Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Davidson and Tim Pearl round up of latest housing cases and court decisions of interest to local authorities and housing associations.
May 28, 2024

The Courts and Mediation – a settled position?

Late last year, a Court of Appeal decision on alternative dispute resolution highlighted the significant role that mediation can play in successfully resolving disputes, write Sophie McCabe, Rachel Murray-Smith and Helen Arthur.
May 24, 2024

Recovery of costs by litigants in person

Was a litigant in person entitled to recover fees charged by a barrister who for a period during the case did not have a practising certificate? Michael Mullin reports on a London borough's success in a recent High Court costs appeal.
May 17, 2024

Lay evidence in fact-finding hearings

A recent decision by the Court of Appeal serves as a reminder of the importance in fact-finding hearings of the evidence of lay parties being considered alongside that given by medical experts, writes Matthew Fiddy.
May 15, 2024

Untying the knot

The Supreme Court this month handed down a landmark judgment in a Japanese knotweed case involving a Welsh council. Matthew White assesses the likely impact of the ruling.
May 10, 2024

Bans on prayer in school

In a high-profile ruling, the High Court has rejected a legal challenge to a school prayer ban. Philip Wood explains why.
May 08, 2024

The statutory nuisance regime

Piers Riley-Smith analyses a Court of Appeal case concerning whether there was a legal power to vary an Abatement Notice issued under s.80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
May 06, 2024

Housing case law update – April 2024

Catherine Craven, Ian Larkins and Martha Mpangile round up the latest cases and court decisions of interest to housing associations and local authorities.