Ensuring compliance with Court of Protection orders

How far can the Court of Protection go to ensure its orders are complied with? Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) examines a recent ruling. Read more

A zero sum game?

The number of SEND tribunal cases is rising and the proportion of appeals ‘lost’ by local authorities is at a record high. Lottie Winson talks to education lawyers to understand the reasons why, and sets out the results of Local Government Lawyer’s exclusive survey.


May 22, 2024

DHSC issues guidance for healthcare professionals on Prevent duty

The Department for Health and Social Care has issued guidance for healthcare professionals about the Prevent duty, which is part of the Government's counter-terrorism strategy and works to ensure that people who are susceptible to radicalisation are offered appropriate interventions.


May 10, 2024

Capacity, presumptions and catastrophe

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) looks at a High Court judge's careful approach to the presumption of capacity in relation to the mother in a case about end of life treatment for one of her twin sons.


Nov 23, 2023

Councils do not fully understand personal budget process, Ombudsman warns

A report by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found that “too often” parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are not being given a choice in how their children are supported because their local councils “do not fully understand the personal budget process”.


December 19, 2023

Mental health reform in Wales

Is Wales striking out alone on mental health reform? Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) looks at recent developments.
November 29, 2023

All change for commissioning health and social care

Now that the Procurement Act 2023 has received royal assent and the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 have been laid before parliament, Emma Watt, Steven Brunning and Amy Callahan-Page summarise the key changes affecting how adult social care services and health services will be commissioned and procured.
September 22, 2023

Unpacking community contributions

Rohini Vekaria analyses recent developments in relation to community contributions, in particular in relation to education and healthcare.
September 08, 2023

Dialysis and different realities – the Court of Protection has to decide

In a recent ruling a senior judge has helpfully reminded us of the fact that a person with cognitive impairments may be operating within a very different reality to everyone else does not mean that it is a reality which can simply be ignored, writes Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon).
August 04, 2023

Court of Protection case update

Lauren Gardner and Eleanor Suthern round up the latest Court of Protection cases of interest to practitioners.
July 20, 2023

Update on the DoL Streamlined Procedure

At a South West Court of Protection User Group Meeting on 26 June 2023, Her Honour Judge Hilder provided some updates that are relevant nationally, writes Hannah Taylor.
March 17, 2023

Assessing capacity: the principles

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) reports on a capacity masterclass from MacDonald J in the Court of Protection, and highlights an updated capacity guide from 39 Essex Chambers.
March 10, 2023

Mind the funding gap

Nicola Gooch looks at the curious case of s.106 contributions funding NHS services.
January 13, 2023

LPS consultation and ‘go live’ planning

Lynette Wieland and Kelsey Richardson outline the key points of the draft Code of Practice and Regulations for the Liberty Protection Safeguards – and share their top tips for preparing for the go live date.
November 18, 2022

Injunctions in the Court of Protection

Simon Lindsay and Ruth Atkinson-Wilks explore injunctions in the Court of Protection and examine a helpful tool for giving effect to best interests decisions.