Angry Clients & Challenging Individuals - Techniques to Manage Confrontation - MBL

Conflict within the workplace can arise for a number of reasons, including difficult customers, overly sensitive colleagues or interfering managers. The stress caused from this can have a negative impact on productivity and lead to illness and absenteeism.

  • SRA Competency - C
  • LevelIntroduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
  • CPD - 1.5 hours
  • Viewership - Access for entire organisation

This webinar focuses on conflict resolution within the workplace and is aimed at anyone who has to deal with difficult clients or work colleagues.

Research has shown training in wellbeing in the workplace and mental health awareness has been shown to have an eight fold return in investment from money saved through a reduction in staff turnover, sick leave and absenteeism.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Develop self-awareness and resilience, and not feel personally attacked

  • Demonstrate genuine empathy, to help defuse conflict and identify appropriate solutions

  • Manage difficult conversations with confidence, to reduce unnecessary escalations

  • Assert themselves appropriately, to confront unacceptable/manipulative behaviours

  • Deal effectively with aggressive people and develop skills for defusing anger and calming people down

  • Build trust, credibility and rapport fast and effectively

  • Apply the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict 5 - Mode Instrument for handling conflict (short term and long term approaches)

  • Employ 12 effective strategies to deal with difficult co-workers

This webinar was recorded on 25th May 2022

You can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

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Event Information

Date On demand
Cost (ex VAT) From £99 + VAT with SmartPlan
Location Online (pre-recorded)