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Statutory guidance issued on discharge from mental health inpatient settings including payment for s117 aftercare

The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England have issued guidance setting out how health and care systems in England should support the discharge of people from mental health inpatient settings.

The DHSC and NHSE said: “This document sets out how health and care systems should work together to support discharge from all mental health and learning disability and autism inpatient settings for children, young people and adults.”

The guidance sets out best practice on:

  • how NHS bodies and local authorities should work closely together to support the discharge process and ensure the right support in the community, and provides clarity in relation to responsibilities 
  • patient and carer involvement in discharge planning

Guidance on how budgets and responsibilities should be shared to pay for section 117 aftercare (Mental Health Act 1983) is provided as an annex.

The statutory guidance applies to NHS bodies in England including:

  • NHS England
  • special health authorities
  • NHS trusts
  • NHS foundation trusts
  • integrated care boards (ICBs)
  • local authorities in England

The guidance can be viewed here.

See also: Section 117 after-care statutory guidance – a missed opportunity? Lee Parkhill reviews new Government guidance on the joint duty under s.117 of the Mental Health Act 1983.