Government outlines three-step approach to reducing number of care leavers found intentionally homeless

The Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan, and the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove, have written to local authorities setting out a three-step approach to reducing the number of care leavers found intentionally homeless.

The first of these steps has seen the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) update the Homelessness Code of Guidance to strengthen the Department’s expectation that all local authorities should develop a joint housing protocol.

The letter said: “Joint housing protocols codify the practice of joint working between children’s and housing services that is essential to support care leaver transitions to independent living and accommodation.

“Housing authorities, children’s services authorities and other relevant departments within local authorities should have joint housing protocols and procedures in place so that each department can play a full role in providing integrated support to young people leaving care. This should help children’s services and housing authorities deliver the local accommodation offer to care leavers and play a key role in preventing care leaver homelessness.”

The ministers added that the joint housing protocol should set out the commitments as corporate parents, and how these will be delivered in practice. “It should include commissioning of suitable accommodation and support for care leavers to reduce the risk of homelessness.”

The Department added that its updated good practice guidance could support local authorities with the development of these protocols.

The second step set out in the letter is an expectation that intentional homelessness decisions for care leavers are to be exceptional.

The Secretaries of State said: “We expect that local authorities should avoid the impact of intentionally homeless decisions wherever possible. The Homelessness Code of Guidance has been updated to clarify that, when a housing authority is considering whether a care leaver has become homeless intentionally, they should be satisfied that the support and accommodation provided has met the care leaver’s needs.

“While we recognise that in rare situations, a decision of intentionality may be necessary where all other avenues have been exhausted, LAs must have regard to care leavers’ vulnerability and the lack of parental support and stability that would ordinarily be provided to young people, when considering accountability. Intentional homeless decisions in respect of care leavers should therefore be exceptional.”

The third and final step of the new approach is increasing governance around intentional homelessness decisions for care leavers.

“When developing their joint housing protocols, local authorities should include arrangements for senior leader level sign off, for example Director or Assistant Director, from both housing and children’s services for any intentional homelessness decisions for care leavers. This will increase governance around negative decisions and ensure that all appropriate checks are in place and interventions have been considered,” the Secretaries of State wrote.

“As part of this sign off, senior leaders should review the circumstances that have led to the decision. Our good practice guidance on joint housing protocols has been updated to include a template to support discussions. Sign off may include consideration of, for example, the steps and support that have been put in place to prevent homelessness for the young person; interventions that can take place to support the care leaver into sustainable housing; and if an intentional homeless decision is agreed, an accommodation plan to provide ongoing housing and support.”

Harry Rodd