Sharpe Pritchard names new managing partner

Sharpe Pritchard, one of the UK’s top public sector law specialists, has appointed Timothy Farr as its new Managing Partner.

Farr will take over the role from 2 April 2024, succeeding Julia Rudin, who stands down after seven years at the helm.

Farr joined Sharpe Pritchard in 2008 and is a former Head of Legal Services at Cambridgeshire County Council.

He has a wealth of experience in procurement, commercial contracts, governance and strategic public-private partnerships, Sharpe Pritchard said.

It added: “As Head of Services, his insights, have helped the firm better understand and address the challenges faced by the local and central government, ensuring continued success for both clients and the firm.”

Farr said: “I am honoured to take on the role of Managing Partner at Sharpe Pritchard.

“Julia has been a tremendous leader, and I am grateful for her guidance and support. I look forward to building on the firm’s strong foundations and leading our talented team as we meet the challenges of the transformation of legal services.”

Sharpe Pritchard said Rudin’s leadership and contributions had been “instrumental in shaping Sharpe Pritchard’s reputation as a trusted legal advisor to the public sector”.

Rudin said: “It has been an honour to serve as Managing Partner at Sharpe Pritchard”.

“I am immensely proud of the firm’s achievements and the exceptional team we have built. As I step down from this role, I have full confidence in Tim’s capabilities to lead the firm forward and continue delivering outstanding service to our clients.”