Radio giant launches legal action against council over “statutory nuisance” caused by buskers outside its headquarters

Global, Europe’s largest commercial radio company, has launched an Environmental Protection Act 1990 prosecution against Westminster City Council over the local authority’s alleged failure to adequately regulate buskers outside the company’s offices in Central London.

According to a report in The Standard, a Westminster council licensing officer confirmed the legal action and said that Global was arguing that the local authority was failing to take action to abate an alleged statutory nuisance.

“The council introduced a busking scheme in April 2021 to cover certain areas in the borough, which included the West End,” the officer said.

“This scheme allows licensed buskers and street entertainers to busk at a pitch in Leicester Square. Amplified instruments can be used. It has transpired that a number of unlicensed buskers also busk at this pitch without permission.

“Global Radio have offices near this pitch, and they claim buskers are causing a statutory nuisance when they perform, and they want the council to take action to stop the alleged statutory nuisance caused.”

Westminster declined to comment further on an ongoing case.

Global has been approached for comment.

Harry Rodd