Judicial Review: A Practical Guide Third edition
From initial instructions to appeals and costs, the authors guide the reader through each step of the court process, and provide extensive case examples drawn from a broad range of claims. This readable and concise work includes procedural checklists and a library of precedents.
This new edition has been significantly amended to take account of developments in law and practice, including:
- Changes introduced by the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015;
- The new Administrative Court Judicial Review Guide 2017;
- Development of the Unified Tribunal system with transfers of judicial reviews;
- Increasing understanding of the impact of the Human Rights Act;
- Limitations upon judicial review in the context of immigration;
- Ongoing case law developments;
- Changes to Appeals (CPR Pt 52);
- Developments in costs and funding.
This readable and concise work includes procedural checklists and a library of precedents, together with all the main legislative and judicial materials.
Author: Hugh Southey QC, Amanda Weston, Jude Bunting, and Raj Desai
ISBN: 9781784730963
Cost: £106.99
Publishers: LexisNexis
Publication Date: October 2017