Removal of Torbay palm trees by council-owned company proceeded without formal governance and definition, internal investigation finds

An internal investigation carried out by Torbay Council following the controversial removal of 40 palm trees from the Italian Gardens in Torquay has found that the works proceeded “without any formal governance and definition”.

The trees were removed by the council’s wholly owned company, SWISCo, in December 2023 as part of an ongoing landscaping scheme.

The removal of the trees raised significant concern from local people, visitors, and the media. As a result, the council’s chief executive was asked to review the circumstances that led to the works being carried out.

The report, published by the council ahead of an Overview & Scrutiny Board meeting on 13 March 2024, observed that most of the palms removed were around 50 years old and displaying signs of “advanced decline”.

However, the investigation found no evidence of a finalised plan having ever been submitted to, or approved, either by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder or the Director of Place who were in those roles at this time.

“It is accepted by SWISCo colleagues that no information was shared, nor any direction sought,” the report added.

It was the view of the Director of Pride in Place that here had been “a failure of proper project governance and decision-making controls”.

In particular there was:

  • An absence of a clear project plan for the scheme and hence no project timetable.
  • No request from SWISCo for client sign-off, with a failure by SWISCo to recognise the need to engage with the Cabinet Portfolio holder.
  • An absence of a clear approach to community engagement and an over reliance on historical engagement. “There was a failure to recognise that irrespective of any historical engagement that given the passage of time it was inappropriate to rely upon the same.”
  • An absence of a clear communication strategy to give the whole of the community advance notice of what was happening.

The investigation concluded: “While well intentioned, and broadly in line with the Torbay Story, Destination Management Plan and other strategies, the works have proceeded without any formal governance and definition.

“This failure to define the project in terms of intended objectives, what is included, in not communicating this to successive administrations, including the commissioning officer, nor seeking a formal decision are the root cause failures that have led to the activity being received as it was.”

The council noted that “very serious and substantial learning” had taken place because of the failures identified.

Cllr Adam Billings, Cabinet Member for Pride in Place, Culture & Events and Parking for Torbay Council, said: “The review is a welcome response to the concerns raised following the removal of the palms.

"Whilst the revised planting scheme offers a long-term solution to this key public space in Torbay, the initial removal of the palms was not planned or communicated to the expected standard.

"The review will allow us to improve our processes for similar schemes in the future."

Lottie Winson