Infrastructure and Projects Authority issues guide on PFI Expiry Health Checks

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) has published a guide for contracting authorities preparing for a PFI Expiry Health Check (EHC) undertaken by the Authority.

The guide covers:

  1. EHC objectives
  2. What is an EHC?
  3. When are EHCs undertaken?
  4. When will I be notified of an EHC?
  5. What is the EHC process?
  6. What information is requested?
  7. What happens after an EHC?
  8. What if the EHC results in a Red or Red/Amber rating?
  9. Summary

The IPA said the EHC process is intended to provide a contracting authority with:

  • An expert and structured review of its preparedness for expiry.
  • Clear recommendations of actions to improve their readiness for expiry and reduce the associated risk.
  • A route to further IPA support where this would be beneficial and available.

The IPA also collates the outputs from EHC to:

  • Identify common themes and trends across the portfolio with the analysis being incorporated into its PFI Expiry Health Check Learning Report.
  • Update Ministers and senior officials of the status of projects in the expiry phase and the key risks and issues.
  • Inform the wider PFI Contract Management Programme to ensure lessons are incorporated into future project support initiatives by the IPA and sponsoring departments.

The guide can be viewed here.