Public procurement law specialist joins Monckton Chambers

Monckton Chambers has boosted its public procurement and public law offering with the arrival of specialist barrister Jonathan Lewis.

Lewis, who joins the set after spending 14 years as a barrister at Henderson Chambers, also practices public and administrative law, consumer law, and commercial law.

In his procurement work, he has represented both claimants and contracting authorities in cases mainly involving judicial review challenges brought under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011.

Most notably, he has been involved in recent claims involving Covid-19 PPE contracts.

Lewis has been involved in judicial review claims against regulators and also has experience acting in claims under the Human Rights Act 1998.

His commercial practice primarily covers contractual disputes in various sectors and often intersects with his government and procurement work.

He qualified as a solicitor at Slaughter and May before working at the Court of Appeal for two years, where he had oversight of most public law appeals.

Philip Moser KC, Monckton's Joint Head of Chambers, said: "Monckton Chambers are delighted to welcome Jonathan Lewis. An A Panellist and first class litigator, he will add further strength across a number of Monckton's practice areas, especially in Public Procurement and in Public law."

Lewis said: "I am delighted to be joining Monckton Chambers where there are clearly so many strong synergies with my existing practice. It will be a huge asset to be surrounded by such a formidable set of talented barristers with expertise in my primary areas of practice."

Adam Carey