Planning for schools: academy and free school planning appeals

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Planning for schools: academy and free school planning appeals

What are the tactics for defending school planning appeals where a free school or academy is promoted by the Secretary of State for Education and planning permission is refused (or an application is undetermined) by the local planning authority? Lisa Busch QC, Harriet Townsend, Ryan Kohli and Rowan Clapp discuss.

This webinar will cover an update on law, policy and recent cases; issues that typically arise in school planning appeals; the presentation of evidence; and how local authorities can best present their case before an Inspector. The webinar is addressed to local planning and education authorities, as well as planning consultants and others who participate in school planning appeals as expert witnesses or interested parties.

About the speakers


Lisa Busch QC

Lisa Busch QC specialises in planning, environmental, local government and public law, including human rights and equalities at Cornerstone Barristers.


Landmarks health and social care 3

Harriet Townsend

Harriet specialises in planning and environment law, and related property matters (most notably compulsory purchase) at Cornerstone Barristers.



Ryan Kohli

Ryan is a leading public law practitioner with particular expertise in planning and environmental law and social housing at Cornerstone Barristers.


Rowann Clapp

Rowan Clapp

Rowan joined Cornerstone Barristers as a tenant in October 2019. He is developing a broad practice across all areas of Chambers' work, including Public Law & Judicial Review, Planning & Environmental Law, Housing Law, Information Law, Licensing and Commercial & Regulatory Law.


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