Developing in the Green Belt

Landmark Chambers host an in-depth webinar on development, housing and planning in the Green Belt.


  • Introduction by Chair - Robert Walton QC
  • The Plan context – exceptional circumstances and taking land out of the Green Belt (including the Compton case) - Jenny Wigley
  • Dealing with housing need in a Green Belt authority – Matthew Reed QC
  • VSC – what needs to be shown: a round-up of recent planning appeals - Matthew Dale-Harris
  • Weighing the impact on openness (including the relevance or otherwise of visual impact and Samuel Smith) – John Litton QC
  • Para 145 of the NPPF, exceptions: current issues – Kate Olley Reform/re-assessment of the GB – Nick Grant

Click here to view the slides.

About the chair

Justin Bates

Robert Walton QC

Robert Walton QC was called in 1999 and took silk in 2019. He has an extensive practice in all aspects of planning, public, environmental and compulsory purchase and compensation law.

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