New surveillance watchdog sets out plans for short tenure ahead of restructure in Spring

The new Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner, Tony Eastaugh CBE, has said he will work with stakeholders to explore how the commissioner's current responsibilities can be preserved amid a plan to heavily restructure the position, which could come as soon as spring 2024.

In a statement on his appointment, Eastaugh, who took over from Fraser Sampson on 6 December 2023, said: "I am looking forward to building on the superb work of my predecessors until the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill comes into effect in the spring.

"Thereafter, I will oversee a seamless transition of the function of this office into the new structures."

The Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner roles were established by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill currently before Parliament will abolish the roles and transfer the biometrics casework functions to the Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office.

The previous commissioner, Sampson, considered holding the position until Parliament passed the bill but resigned early due to a delay in the bill's passage.

During his two-year tenure, Sampson questioned the use of Chinese-owned CCTV systems by local authorities.

Ahead of the position being abolished, Eastaugh said his priorities will be to ensure that the biometrics casework, including National Security Determinations, is up to date and in good order to transfer to the Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office.

He also pledged to review the use of S63G applications within police forces to bring about increased safety and security for communities.

"Additionally, I will be working with stakeholders to explore how some of my current responsibilities (that are not specifically mandated for transfer in the Bill) will be given continuity and upheld," he said.

Eastaugh added: "Whilst in post, I intend to engage with as many of the key parties operating in this critical arena as possible. I will be listening, learning, and fully contributing to the evolving and growing biometrics and surveillance camera landscape."

Tony Eastaugh was previously the Director General for Immigration Enforcement and a Commander in the Metropolitan Police for 12 years.

Adam Carey