The Key Reforms of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 - Focus on Vulnerable Residents

The Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 encompasses many new aspects which registered providers will need to adhere.

In this digest we place the spotlight on the Consumer Standards and the Code of Practice, with a focus on vulnerable tenants:

Safety & Quality Standard

  • Repairs and tenants views

Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard

  • Diverse needs of tenants

Neighbourhood and Community Standards

  • Domestic abuse
  • Multi-agency working

Tenancy Sustainment and Eviction Standard

  • Support and signposting
  • Needs of vulnerable households

Screenshot 2023 11 03 at 09 57 26 The Key Reforms of the Social Housing Regulation Act 2023 Safety and Quality Standard

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Julia Jones

I specialise in providing healthcare and regulatory advice to clients within the health and social care sector, as well as acting for a range of regulatory bodies and local authorities.

I represent and advise clients on health, care and regulatory law and have a particular interest in vulnerable adults, children and young people and safeguarding. I advise on issues concerning capacity, best interests and deprivation of liberty cases. I regularly represent health commissioners and healthcare providers in proceedings in the Court of Protection, including serious medical treatment cases, as well as advising clients on complex packages of care.

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