LGA launches new chief executive training scheme

A new development programme aimed at creating an "essential starting point" for the development of council chief executives has been launched by the Local Government Association (LGA).

The 'Chief Executive Development Programme' is built on a curriculum based on seven core themes: the core chief executive role, politics and the political interface, good governance, public ethics, continuous improvement, resource management, and Managerial leadership.

Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) was involved in the process of forming the new programme.

LLG, CIPFA and the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny worked together with Solace and the LGA to "ensure modules have been informed by subject matter experts, experienced practitioners, policy leads and organisational development specialists," the Assocation said.

As part of the course's development, the LGA conducted three 24-hour pilot events.

Each of the pilot modules were aligned with one of the following core themes in the framework: politics and the political interface, good governance and the core role of the Chief Executive.

Cllr Abi Brown OBE, Chairman of the LGA's Improvement and Innovation Board, said: "This innovative programme provides an essential starting point for the development of chief executives in local government and the feedback received so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

"I am delighted that the LGA and Solace, with funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities are now able to develop and launch this programme in full.

"This will ensure a consistent understanding of the role of the local government chief executive and bespoke development for officers taking up this challenging role. We would encourage all councils to see this as an essential first step in the development of newly appointed chief executives."

Adam Carey