Level Up Your FOI Knowledge and Skills
Continue your journey to become an adept FOI practitioner by delving deeper into the intricacies of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, grasping its historical significance and acquiring the skills to navigate its complexities effectively with confidence. This intermediate level certificate strengthens the foundations established by our FOI Practitioner Certificate.
Topics you will cover include interpreting information requests, navigating data repositories for relevant information, handling vexatious requests and applying the exemptions. You will learn how to draft craft clear, legally sound Refusal Notices and overcome challenges ensuring compliance with the FOI Act. You will enhance your FOI practice by analysing ICO decisions and Tribunal cases to learn how to interpret and apply exemptions while considering the public interest. This will ensure a balanced approach to your decision-making.
Comparisons with international FOI legislation will broaden your perspectives, while critically evaluating the FOI Act's impact and effectiveness will contribute to the ongoing discourse on transparency and accountability.
Enrol on this course to further your knowledge and skills to navigate FOI legislation confidently; ensuring compliance and efficient information disclosure practices within your organisation.
This is an intermediate course requiring a good level of knowledge of FOI law. You must have completed the FOI Practitioner Certificate (or equivalent) before booking this course. The course content may be updated to accommodate the latest developments and emerging trends in FOI legislation.
The course is structured over three days, one day per fortnight, and can be taken online or in the classroom. Each day includes engaging discussions, exercises and case studies. Upon completion, delegates must submit a practical assessment within 30 days. Personal tutor support is provided, throughout the course, alongside access to a comprehensive online resource lab to maximise success.
Course Content
Day 1: History and Context of FOI Act
Advice and assistance
Ambiguous FOI requests
When information is held
FOI Exemptions S.30,31 and 36
Day 2: FOI Exemptions Deep Dive 2
S.40 - Personal Data
Access to Dead People’s Information
S.41 - Breach of Confidence
S.43 - Commercial Interests
Day 3: The EIR Exceptions Deep Dive
Drafting EIR Refusal Notices
Internal Reviews
Preparing for Tribunal
FOI Laws Around the World
Date | 27-01-2025 |
Cost (ex VAT) | £1,950 plus VAT |
Location | Online (live) |