Cyber Security for DPOs - Act Now

Speaker: Olu Odeniyi

Most GDPR breaches involve cyber security issues. Data protection staff therefore need good foundational knowledge of this topic to help minimise breaches and improve the cyber resilience of their organisations.This workshop introduces cyber security at a non-technical level and enables you to act on cyber related issues with greater effectiveness and confidence.

In addition to fundamental Information Security concepts, you will learn how cyber attacks occur and how “technical and organisational measures can protect against data breaches. A framework will be discussed which empowers you to analyse and learn from adverse cyber incidents so that you can take action before your organisation is impacted.

By the end of the workshop you will be able to perform a gap analysis between current activities and the future potential value to be unlocked.

The workshop will conclude with consideration of practical steps you can take towards evolving your data protection role within your organisation.

Key Topics

  • Understand and define cyber security
  • Discuss the key GDPR articles which relate to cyber security
  • Introduce fundamental information and cyber security concepts, terms and principles
  • Explain the anatomy of common cyber attacks
  • Explore how the Data Protection Officer can begin to incorporate cyber security within their role

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Event Information

Date 18-07-2025
Cost (ex VAT) £449 plus VAT
Location Online (live)