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b'Local Government Lawyer 153) Use real-time project management toolsEver find yourself making an edit to a document with v13 or something similar tapped on at the end? Going back and forth with changes to legal documents and accumulating feedback can easily eat up time and decrease productivity - its so much more efficient having tools in place that you and your team can operate in real-time. Some organisations use more complex project management tools like Asana By introducing regular short and sharp meetings into everyones calendar, your team can keep others updated on major projects, highlight blockers, and increase the opportunity for collaboration. to manage their projects and workflows, while others prefer the likes of Google Docs or Trello. Not only will this approach reduce mistakes, but it will also improve your productivity. 4) Promote learning opportunitiesFor many of us, one of the upsides of the pandemic has been more time to get things donethe time saved from the commute alone has been a godsend. However, the downside is that learningmembers.Collaboration requires a great deal of time opportunities have plummeted, which isand effort, but the end result will be worth the especially worrisome for junior or new team5) Dedicate time for your people investmentyour team will be more engaged members.and more effective because of it. You may not have time for day-longLast but not least, make the time to share brainstorming sessions, but you cansuccesses and milestones, whether theyreDylan Brown is the Content Marketing incorporate learning opportunities into yourwork-related or personal. You cant expectManager at LexisNexis UK.day-to-day. For instance, host lunch andyour team to work towards the same shared learn sessions where someone from yourvision or purpose if you dont connect them department or even another departmenttogether on a personal level. shares the results and learnings from a projectIts also worth encouraging healthy habits or case theyve been working on. Or hostby investing in mental health and wellbeing virtual brainstorming workshops using sitessessions like meditation, yoga or Pilates. While like Miro which allow you to create virtualits not always easy, try your best to promote a brainstorming walls.positive work-life balancewhich has become Its also worth getting your team togetherincreasingly difficult when working from on occasion to discuss what theyd like tohome. Block out time in everyones calendar learn more about or get involved inthis willover the lunch time period, for instance, so be incredibly helpful for junior or new teamthat people know not to book meetings then.'