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b'10 Local Government Lawyerarrangement as her accountability seemed toTable 10: Would you consider employing someone to work remotely who lived a significant be reduced and her ability to avoid contactdistance from your authority? (Management survey)was something to be admired. However, this has not deterred us from considering similar arrangements particularly as she was not employed by the council and this may havecandidate 16%influenced her ways of working.Where local authorities fail to offer secureYes, for some roles 53%remote working policies, retention issues are evident.Some officers have left the authorityYes, for most roles 30%because they prefer working practices at other authorities, for example, guaranteed home working permanently, a head of legal said. No 0%We are blown out of the water by those who offer more flexibility around remote working than we are able to, another lamented. Tale 11: What effect has widespread remote working had on qualified staff retention? More heads of legal felt that the effect(Management survey)of widespread remote working on qualified staff retention has been more negative than positive, with 33% reporting worsened5%retention, compared to 25% reporting an improvement. The remaining 42% said it madeMade it moderately worse 28%no difference (Table 11).Staff now know they can [work remotely] and its an option, if my authority does not42%embrace this, I may lose staff, a head of legal noted. Improved it moderately 16%Responses from lawyers echoed this. If I was told to return to the office even for 3 days a week I would seek employment with9%another LA offering full remote working (subject to court commitments) as the impact of remote working on my work/life balance has been incredibly positive, stated oneWhat the survey said onThe badrespondent.Being close to your colleagues can be ateam work: The biggest issue I have faced has been deciding factor when considering leaving anlack of motivation and feeling isolated. I was employer and some remote lawyers whoThe good also fairly new to local government when reported feeling isolated said leaving for a newthe lockdown happened therefore felt like I council felt much easier. One stated: ThereI believe pressure is less when at home,needed more support which, owing to remote is increasingly becoming little point to stayingas folk are inclined to vent their emotionsworking, wasnt as accessible.with one employer near to home if so much ofmuch more in person and are able to exhibit the day is spent on a computer and it is hardinfluencing skills just as readily on camera asTeam work has been the major loss for me of to build relationships and to interact socially. in an office. Perhaps toxicity is reduced! working at home.And as lawyers spend more time at home, their interest in staying there grows. In 2020,If anything, remote working has sped upWorking as a team is not a major issue - 57% said that the availability of remoterelationship aspects of work because ofhowever collaboration, sharing of issues, and working would be a major factor in theiraccessibility- it really depends on howchallenges with the team has proved a major decision on where they work. Since then, thatleadership skills are used and communicationissue.figure has jumped almost 20% to 74% of alltakes place, both of which can be varied to lawyers. Ultimately, whether managementsuit. The uglyis willing to hire remotely or not, employees will vote with their feet, albeit virtually.We were previously part of a shared serviceFrankly I would love to leave my current Considering this, it is clear councils without awhich ended in July 2021 so it was neverpost because of the isolation. The council say robust remote working policy will struggle topossible for everyone to be in both offices atwe can book a desk and go in but we are not compete in the job market. the same time anyway- we are a small closegoing into a team room but hot desking and knit team who regularly speak and chat viacould be sitting next to anyone. What is the Adam Carey is a reporter at LocalTeams. point in that!Government Lawyer.'